The Roads and Dreams…

roadsndreams” is not just about the roads we have travelled, but the dreams we have lived through! There was a time in our lives, where travelling together or travelling long distances was just a fantasy. Still there were fond memories of the window seat travels in buses and trains, even though short, they were so sweet! As we owned our first car, we started exploring places in and around, where we slowly discovered our common passion for travel. We travelled alone, we travelled together, we travelled with our months old daughter, and we even travelled with our friends and family! Time sailed through, and we did cover a lot of places together, national and international. We never referred to any travel guides, rather had our own travel style – beaches to mountains, para sailing to trekking, we liked it all. But most of those stories just remained within us, and our close friends circle, sharing them to wider audience never clicked our mind.

And slowly the routine started eating us, career occupied most of the space and time in lives, priorities changed, and we too went with the flow! People told it is the “normal” way of life as family grows, and it is time to settle, and plan for future. But we felt, the cycle of job, money and more money needed a break, and the mundane routine needed a refresh. And yes, we set out on a longer journey, taking a small break from the busy schedule, a decision which transformed our lives. Setting aside all anxieties, we went off on a 2 month long road trip covering India, Nepal and Bhutan with our 3 year old daughter. We did not lose everything we have to make this journey happen, but we managed a temporary pause within our budget, promising ourselves to come back after rejuvenating! It was a journey of realisations, we evolved as we moved away from our comfort zones, we experienced true happiness as we drove through the varying terrains.Though it was heart warming to embrace all changes, beauty and challenges, a small part somewhere deep inside did long for the tiny home and bigger family we left behind, waiting for our come back. A smaller part of mind, noticed the changes that have crept in our usual mannerisms over a period of routine life, as we got time to look back. And even a smaller part silently acknowledged what better we could have given our kid, by spending quality time with her. Beyond a certain point, the adventure of maps and mountains will cease to amaze, but all the realisations become the lasting memories of the place. We realised how life is a beautiful balance between freedom and responsibilities, choosing one over the other cannot make you happy forever!

Nobody is perfect, We all break and take time to heal ourselves, our eyes and vision open wider when we take a moment to observe the bigger world around us, and that is when the idea of sharing our stories via a travel blog crossed our minds! For families who are full time employees, setting oneself free and being wanderers in a fantasy world is not always an option. Work will be on a roll, finance will be constrained, kids cannot be away from school forever, travelling would just look impossible and tiring! We are sure our readers could relate to these feelings, and we would be happy if our stories give confidence to atleast some of you to live your dreams!

And this is why, is not just about travel and experiences, rather our stories and emotions! It is about how we crafted our dreams through passion, and how that has helped us evolve better! It is all about taking those smaller breaks from busy life, only to come back stronger and with deeper life meanings, with better energy to indulge in things you love! Here is to those who are reluctant to take that first bold move to step out of your comfort zone – 

“There is no waiting for a perfect time, perfect bank balance, perfect physical and mental health, and no perfect career to achieve, before you could start.. just start from wherever you are, with whatever you have! It is definitely worth it!”

We hope our dreams, challenges, anxieties, preparations against the odds, and finally the happiness realising the dreams, will inspire you! Explore our first travel content here – the trip where the idea of roadsndreams evolved – The India-Nepal-Bhutan Road Trip.